ACTION ALERT Tell Congress: 23 million Americans without health care is unacceptable!

Make contact; make a difference. Senate leaders will release draft healthcare legislation soon. Continue to urge Congress to improve access to health care instead of deconstructing it.
Contact your U.S. Senators HERE.
On May 4, 2017, Congress passed the American Health Care Act - legislation to "repeal and replace" the Affordable Care Act - "Obamacare". According  to the evaluation of the AHCA released by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, if the AHCA becomes law, 23 million Americans will lose their health insurance; Medicaid would be cut by $834 billion over the next ten years; and coverage for women's reproductive health, individuals living with disabilities or mental health challenges, low-income older adults, and those with pre-existing conditions could also be lost.
The Affordable Care Act isn’t perfect, but it makes obtaining health insurance possible for millions of hardworking families.It is now the U.S. Senate's turn to act on health care reform. Let us pray for their leadership and urge them to:

Expand Medicaid into all 50 states with adequate funding;
Maintain the ability of young adults under the age of 26 to receive health insurance under the parents;
Stand with women in maintaining reproductive health mandates; and
Protect coverage for people living with disabilities, mental health challenges, or pre-existing conditions.
The House of Representatives also still has work to do to reform our nation's healthcare system. Please continue to reach out to your representative and urge them to improve access to health care  instead of deconstructing it.
Contact your U.S. Representatives HERE.
Thank you for your faithful leadership and support on this crucial issue.