East Africa Famine 2017

How would Jesus respond to famine?

(Hint: Jesus doesn’t mince words when he condemns those who ignore the hungry.)


 "For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me." Matthew 25:35.

The famine designation was lifted from South Sudan, thanks to a concerted global effort that included your generous support to One Great Hour of Sharing and its recent East Africa Famine Response campaign.

But millions remain at risk of severe malnutrition and need help to feed their families as the rainy season gathers momentum.

To date, UCC Disaster Ministries has forwarded $140,000 for mobile clinics, therapeutic feeding and medicines, food, nutrition supplements, safe water, sanitation, fast-maturing seeds, farming tools and support to keep pupils and teachers in school in South Sudan and drought-stricken Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya.


Famine was officially declared in South Sudan early in 2017 and, for the first time in recent history, there was a very real possibility of four famines - in Somalia, South Sudan, Nigeria, and Yemen - breaking out all at once. 

Twenty million people faced starvation. International aid officials warn that this was one of the biggest humanitarian disasters since World War II.  Increased investment in international humanitarian assistance was critical to assist these people in crisis.  In addition, we see that continued funding for peacebuilding programs that prevent violent conflict are critical pieces that help address root causes of poverty and famine. 

To address the famine, the global humanitarian community scaled up the response to avert a catastrophe.

Thanks for doing your part through your prayers, generous contributions, and advocacy. Please continue your generous support for hunger relief in East Africa until the ongoing crisis truly is over.

Let's Pray Together –

World Council of Churches Prayer Resources are available here

Let's Make Our Best Donation to help end the suffering –

   On-line:    UCC International Emergency Relief Fund - East Africa Famine.

   By mail:    Make checks payable to United Church of Christ with memo note: 

"International Emergency Relief Fund – East Africa Famine."  Mail to:  United Church of Christ, Financial Services Office, 700 Prospect Ave. E., Cleveland, OH  44115

Trusted, on-the-ground partnerships enable the church around the world to get food resources directly to the people who need them.  UCC Disaster Ministries already has sent $140,000 to the ecumenical ACT Alliance and IMA World Health for famine and drought relief in South Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya. Thank you for your generous support to One Great Hour of Sharing and our recent East Africa Famine Response campaign.   

Support provided to ACT Alliance means food, nutrition supplements, safe water, sanitation, fast-maturing seeds, farming tools, and support to keep pupils and teachers in school. Through IMA World Health we deploy mobile clinics, therapeutic feeding and medicines, and are supporting partners like Sudan Medical Care, featured in this video:

Let's Advocate –

Call for U.S. leadership to generate the funds needed to avert catastrophe.  Urge Congress today to save lives in these four countries by maintaining robust foreign assistance funding as it considers the 2018 budget. Click here for more information and advocacy tools. 

Click Here for the March 28, 2017, UCC News Story

Source: http://www.ucc.org/disaster_east_africa_fa...