Hands Off SNAP!

#HandsOffSNAP: Further restricting access to food assistance will put people’s lives at risk.

Right now Congress is debating the Farm Bill. This massive piece of legislation authorizes most federal policies, including the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) – our nation’s most critical anti-hunger program. The version of the Farm Bill being considered in the House of Representatives right now proposes damaging changes to SNAP.

These changes to SNAP will make it harder for people who need it to access the program by making enrollment more stringent and will add onerous work requirement provisions. 

If the proposed House version gets signed into law more children and families will go hungry. We know that when someone faces unemployment or barriers to employment, hunger only serves to make the problem worse. SNAP benefits as they are now play an important role in helping people find and keep jobs. SNAP is an anti-hunger program, and making changes to it that result in more, not less hungry people is the exact opposite to what it should be doing.

More than 40 million Americans struggle to put food on the table on a regular basis. While charitable organizations play a vital role in addressing hunger, the overwhelming majority of food assistance in this country has historically come from—and must continue to come from—federal programs. Our sacred texts compel us to honor the dignity of every person, especially those who are struggling. No matter a person’s circumstance, no one deserves to go hungry.

Please contact your member of Congress to urge them to not support the House version of the Farm Bill and to shore up and strengthen the SNAP program.