Faith Leaders: Sign On to Protect Our Yemeni Neighbors!

Faith Leaders: Sign On Today! We invite faith leaders across traditions to sign on to this letter urging the administration to extend Yemen's TPS designation for at least another 18 months. Failure to extend TPS for Yemen would mean turning our backs on the vulnerable Yemenis whom we pledged to protect, as the country suffers from the catastrophic impact of the ongoing civil war.

Offering protection to the most vulnerable is a pillar of our American values. Temporary Protected Status (TPS) is a U.S. program designed to protect people from being returned to harm, and the administration will decide by July 5th whether to extend TPS for Yemen. There are approximately 1,100 Yemenis living in the United States with TPS today. Yemen was first designated for TPS in 2015 in response to the escalating violence in the country which erupted in the summer of 2014 and has escalated to a devastating civil war. According to the United Nations, the conflict has killed 10,000 people, and Yemen currently faces public health crises such as mass hunger, the spread of diseases, and damaged infrastructure which continue to plague the country.

We need to send a clear message that the faith community wants to see the administration extend Yemen's TPS designation for at least another 18 months and support a permanent, legislative solution for all TPS holders. Together, our collective advocacy places the faithful call to love our neighbors into action.

Faith leaders sign on to this letter today!

Thank you for standing with us in the fight.

In Solidarity,

Rev. Noel Andersen
National Grassroots Coordinator
Immigration and Refugee Program
Church World Service