Helping relief efforts in Guatemala

United Church of Christ is responding to the victims of the June 3 Fuego volcano in Guatemala.

On June 5, the National Commission for the Attention of Disasters in Guatemala (CONRED) reported a total of 1,702,136 people affected, 3, 271 evacuated, 46 wounded, 65 deceased, 2 networks of electric power lost, and a bridge destroyed. CONRED has issued a red alert in 4 municipalities: 1) Escuintla, Escuintla; 2) Saint Lucia Cotzumalguapa, Escuintla; 3) Alotenango, Sacatepéquez; and, 4) Yepocapa, Chimaltenango.

Disaster Ministries has already provided a $3,000 solidarity grant to Global Ministries partner Christian Ecumenical Council of Guatemala for hygiene kits, medicine and burn kits in unofficial shelters where needs. UCC network partners within Guatemala (the ACT Alliance) will be issuing an appeal within the next several days with comprehensive plans for recovery which UCC Disaster Ministries will be supporting as well.

You can help by sending your gift to the Southwest Conference UCC marked "GUATEMALA." We will forward your contributions to UCC's International Emergency Relief Fund.

Or donate to the IERF directly

Thank you for your generous contributions to relieve pain and suffering in the aftermath of the Fuego volcano. 

Read more:

In volcano's wake, a Guatemalan town became a cemetery

Families search for relatives buried by volcano in Guatemala

Fuego eruption: A week on, rescue workers recover buried bodies