Rincon Congregational UCC planning Puerto Rico mission trip

From Rincon's newsletter:

I am excited to share news of the church mission trip the week of December 9th to Puerto Rico with our UCC mission partners there.  UCC Disaster Relief Ministries is seeking groups from UCC churches to help church partners in Puerto Rico in recovery efforts from the two major hurricanes that devastated Puerto Rico last year.  I attach below the email reply I received from Judy and Doug Moore, volunteer coordinators on the ground in PR concerning the possibility of a mission trip:

Thank you for bringing a group to Puerto Rico!  We are definitely looking for work groups - from 4 - 15 or 20 or so - to come and help rebuild.  We have a camp for housing (with kitchen, showers, running water etc) and 80 houses on our list to repair. 

We are looking for folks to come almost anytime.  This summer has plenty of room if you all could come that soon.  I have several single volunteers who would love to have company in June and July.  I have had many inquiries into 2019, with February getting the most attention.  However, folks are still working out their dates, so at this point, you should have no trouble getting your dates.

I am attaching a rather detailed (and subject to slight change) Leaders' Guide. Click here to follow link.  You should find most answers to your questions there.  There is plenty of work - of different levels - so, folks who are unskilled or cannot lift heavy things are more than welcome.  You may want to bring a couple people to prepare your meals - so there's another type of worker needed. 

We work Monday - Friday, starting early and until about 1:00 pm due to heat. Most folks come in on Saturday, but Sunday works too.   Our camp has 3 dorm rooms, each sleeping 18, so even if you would like to stay extra days and another group comes in, there would probably be plenty of room.

You fly into San Juan.  Timing is up to you.  The drive from there to the camp, where you will stay, is about 45 minutes.  Nights get pretty dark, so I would suggest daylight.  Also, we will have some cooking staples (and you can check closer to your arrival date as to what they are), and you will be cooking your own meals, so you might want to factor in some time to stop at the local grocery store.

Beyond airfare, land costs will be your groceries, $100 per person per week for staying at the camp, and your car rental and entertainment.

If you are interested in and able to participate in a work camp group to Puerto Rico, please let me know. People of differing abilities and ages are welcome, but a few who are either skilled in repairs or willing to learn are much needed.

Click here for the June 20, 2018  UCC Daily Devotional written by Mary Luti regarding the continued need for UCC presence in Puerto Rico as it recovers from Hurricane Irma.