People of faith act to stop Ford Motor Company’s efforts to weaken our environmental protections

Interfaith Power & Light, United Church of Christ, and United Methodist Women are working on a campaign to support the Clean Car Standards. This effort is focusing on the Ford Motor Co. and some details are below along with a link to the petition (where there is a sign up button for individuals and a sign up button for clergy and faith organization leaders).

We’ve got one week to get as many additional signers as possible. Feel free to send this along to other state-based faith organizations for high level clergy and (faith) organizational leader sign-on.

We’re working with Michigan Interfaith Power & Light to deliver the petition to Ford later in September, so we need all sign-ons by Sept. 20th.

Ford Campaign Overview

In 2011, Ford Motor Company was part of a landmark agreement with the EPA, the state of California, and other major automakers to significantly improve fuel efficiency standards and build cleaner cars. Ford’s CEO even stood on stage with President Obama when he announced the new Clean Car Standards.

These standards – nearly doubling average fuel economy of vehicles, with a goal of 54.5 mpg by 2025 – are the most significant policy the U.S. has to cut carbon pollution.

But now, Ford has changed their tune and claims they need greater “flexibility” in meeting the standards. And the EPA has followed suit with a proposal to weaken the standards. That's why IPL is partnering with the United Methodist Women and The United Church of Christ to tell Ford: stop trying to undermine the Clean Car Standards you promised to support, and build the clean cars consumers want and our climate demands.

Clergy, faith organization leaders and individuals are invited to sign on to our Ford petition.

As people of faith, committed to environmental and climate justice, we call on Ford Motor Company to stand by the Clean Car Standards.