12 September 2018

On behalf of the Southwest Conference UCC Disaster Ministries I extend our prayers and concerns to our congregations and their communities who are in the path of Hurricane Florence. The hurricane is expected to make landfall during the next couple days along the North Carolina coast. Due to the size of the storm, its anticipated path and its expected “stalling” along the coast, several states will be severely impacted. If you have family and friends in any of these locations, I would strongly encourage that they heed the local and regional warnings being issued by emergency management officials.

You and your congregation may want to extend your compassion and assistance to the areas affected. The links below will help you to develop your response. Keep in mind that UCC Disaster Ministries focuses on long-term recovery and our hard work will begin after the initial impact and short-term response of agencies equipped to do so. And, it will continue for a long time.

I encourage you to consider sending your hurricane financial gifts through your congregation to the SWC Office, designated for Hurricane 2018 Fund. If you or your congregation decides to offer material assistance (i.e., Clean-up or Hygiene kits) please let me know, philofthedesert@yahoo.com, or notify the Conference Office. Your shared efforts may help other congregations with their response or we may be able to combine efforts in some way for a greater and more cost effective impact (i.e., shipping kits together from multiple congregations).


Phil Shea

SWC Disaster Coordinator




Information about giving and UCC Disaster Ministries response can be found at:


Donors seeking the greatest impact should give financially to the UCC Disaster Ministries Hurricane 2018 Fund. 


Donors should not collect “stuff” and/or attempt to ship material items to the impacted region. This YouTube video helps explain why: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzH-7k035sM

Churches and individuals are welcome to assemble kits and matching funds are still available (cleanup buckets, hygiene kits, school kits); learn more at:


Additional ways to support disaster survivors:
