Community for Racial Healing – Monthly Facilitated Discussion in Taos

From Rev. Pamela Shepherd at Taos UCC: Here is another great event happening in Taos this winter:

Registration link

An eight month workshop on what is means to be white, anglo or euro-identified in racial reconciliation efforts. This one will be specific to the Taos community.

Facilitator: Maija West
Workshop space hosts: Megan White + Cliff Bain
Suggested donation: $15/session [Via PayPal or in person]
Individual workshop sessions are 60 minutes on one Friday a month, from January until August.

This workshop is open to all members of the community. Attendance is strongly recommended for those who would like to support the long-term success of the Project, but do not have any previous background or education on these topics. A list of workshop topics is listed below.

We ask that attendees make a commitment to attend all of the sessions, after the initial introductory session. Preregistration is required, due to occupancy limits.

A portion of collected donations will go to Unity of Taos for the space ($20/session). All remaining funds collected will go towards providing free healing sessions and workshops for members of Taos' historically harmed communities, at the Second Annual Healing Weekend in October 2019.

Workshop topics include:
1. Intro The braid of the integrated self- an approach to leadership and citizenship
[Including resources on the rich cultural history of Taos]
2. Reconciliation as community forgiveness
3. Apologies- a new definition in the context of reconciliation
4. How does neuroscience impact healing?
5. Epigenetics and the source of joy
6. The inherited identity of whiteness
7. What does it really mean to be an ally?
8. A five year vision for transforming yourself and your community

Event sponsors:
The Taos Healing and Reconciliation Project, a group of local individuals, non-profits and businesses.
This workshop is one of many activities hosted by the Healing and Reconciliation Institute, a 501c3 pending non profit.

For more information, visit