Environmental Day at the Capitol

Arizona State Capitol Complex, Rose Garden Area
Wednesday, February 13, 2019, 8:30 AM - 2 PM

8:30 am: Registration
9:00 am: Welcome, Overview of Day and Key Bills, Request to Speak System, Group Photo 
9:10 am: Overview of Key Environmental Protection Issues in 2019 Arizona Legislature
9:50 am: Energy and Economic Justice
10:05 am: Break into Teams and/or go to Committee, if interested
11:00 am: News Conference (Rose Garden)
12:00 pm: Spirit Circle (Rose Garden) - Arizona Interfaith Power and Light
12:30 pm: Student briefing by Legislators (Rose Garden) and Lunch on your own

Click this link to RSVP to be connected with a team to meet with your own legislators.

For more information, contact Sandy Bahr at (602) 253-8633 or sandy.bahr@sierraclub.org.