Ecumenical Advocacy Days 2019

[Editor’s note: this event begins on the same weekend as the SWC Annual Meeting]

Come to Ecumenical Advocacy Days 2019 and UCC Pre-event:
#GoodTrouble for a Just World

Calling all justice advocates! You are invited to join other UCC advocates for the 2019 Ecumenical Advocacy Days Conference, “Troubling the Waters for the Healing of the World -- #GoodTrouble!” This year’s conference will focus on movements, best practices, and highlight the voices of young activists to energize today’s struggle for justice.

On Monday, April 8, we will go to Capitol Hill to call on our elected officials to support much needed reforms in our democracy by strengthening voting rights, addressing corruption and money in politics, as well as lift a voice on the decline of human rights around the world. Keynote speakers will include Rev. Dr. Teresa Hord Owens (Christian Church Disciples of Christ), Rev. Dr. Raphael G. Warnock (Ebenezer Baptist Church), Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis (Poor People’s Campaign), Rev. Adam Taylor (Sojourners), David LaMotte (songwriter), and others. 

On Friday before the EAD program begins, you are also invited to attend a UCC EAD Pre-Event“#GoodTrouble for a Just World.” You can attend this whether or not you register for the full conference. This gathering will be a time to lift up the good work being done by several UCC justice networks and together see how we can share best practices and find intersections in our work. The event will take place on Friday April 5th, from 10am-4:30pm at First Congregational UCC (945 G St. NW in DC). 

Over this powerful weekend, we will deepen connections and explore new ways to stir up #GoodTrouble for the sake of the gospel and the UCC’s mission to Build a Just World for All.  We hope you will join us and help us spread the word!