Temporary space for asylum-seekers in Phoenix

Tmporary Shelter and Support for Asylum-Seekers

 The International Rescue Committee (www.rescue.org/phoenix) is looking for help to provide temporary shelter and support to immigrant families seeking asylum in Phoenix.

The families that need our help are in legal proceedings to seek asylum, and have recently been released from Immigration Customs Enforcement. They just need shelter for 48 to 72 hours until volunteers can arrange their travel out of state to join their sponsors. These families have been through so much already on their journey ... The knowledge that someone cares enough to open their doors to them makes a huge impact, especially when they are released at bus stations or churches with no belongings or means to contact family.

We are looking for help providing a temporary place to stay, meals, in-kind donations or volunteers support for families. If a congregation can only provide a space, IRC can rally food, donations and volunteers to do the rest.

If a space is only available for a weekend, we’ll take it! For the long term we are also looking for a more semi-permanent solution… one space through end of May at least.

If you are interested in getting involved or if you have space available that could be used for our asylum seeking neighbors and are willing to host please contact Nicky.Walker@Rescue.org or Aaron.Rippenkroeger@Rescue.org with the International Rescue Committee.

Many of you have already been involved in these efforts to provide assistance to this most vulnerable population. We thank you for all your work and are honored to walk alongside you as we help the stranger, who really is our neighbor.