A Dialogue on Race in Prescott Event

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On April 12, around 100 gathered including the mayor, head of the state NAACP, and members of The Arizona Commission on African American Affairs.

Reaching out in inclusive love is part of our DNA. Whether helping Chinese immigrants in the late 1890’s; hosting the Jewish temple when they were without a building; welcoming the LGBTQ community; assisting DACA students; or offering the community events on racial dialogue and white privilege, our congregation seeks to follow the way of Jesus. I share these thoughts because I am currently in the early stages of planning an anti-semitism event with Temple B’rith Shalom, a Latino town hall, and a town hall on “white privilege.” A commitment to anti-racism seems to come naturally, part of our DNA. 

The racial dialogue of April 12th impressed many people in our community interested in social justice issues. I have heard from some of them. It reminded me of our importance in this community. Though small in size, we are not afraid of tackling issues that would make others uncomfortable or nervous. Our ability to follow the “still speaking God” on issues of justice and mercy help us fulfill our mission in Prescott. We are rooted in Prescott’s history but progressing toward God’s shalom for all. Thank you for joining with me in this anti-racism work. It would be easy to stay in our comfortable “white bubble” here in Prescott, but God call us to venture out of our comfort zone – to be a blessing…and to be blessed!

God bless,


(Rev. Jay Wilcher)