Common Ground on the Border / Border Issues Fair

January 16-18, 2020
The Good Shepherd United Church of Christ, Sahuarita, Arizona

The United States-Mexico borderlands has always been a beautiful mix of culture, language, cuisine, economies and people. It has also been a place of struggle, high and low temperatures, a fragile environment and the push and pull of immigration.

The Borderlands is the perfect place to explore the arts, touch the culture and have deeper conversations about the complicated issues that collide here.

On Friday and Saturday afternoons, we will have 20 different music, art, writing, and dance classes in the seventh Common Ground on the Border program.

On Saturday morning, we will be presenting the 17th Annual Border Issues Fair with stimulating national and international scholars and activists sharing their perspectives on our current border and immigration crisis.

In addition, there will be field trips to the border and into the desert on Thursday. And, of course, there will be dynamic concerts on Friday and Saturday nights.

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