Tell Senators to Support Debt Cancellation and Foreign Aid

The coronavirus pandemic could force as many as 150 million people into extreme poverty by 2021, according to a recent report by the World Bank. This would be the first increase in two decades. Likewise, the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize winning UN World Food Programme (WFP) has reported that the number of people facing starvation could double, possibly reaching a quarter of a billion people by the end of 2020. The challenges we face at this moment as individuals, as a nation, and as a global community are immense. Now is a time to come together and make sure that the most vulnerable are protected, both in our immediate circles and around the world. To do so, we must address the structural and historic economic issues that perpetuate inequality and poverty. We need debt cancellation and increased aid to support developing countries in need. 

This coming weekend (October 16-18th) is Jubilee Weekend, a time when communities of faith around the U.S. highlight issues of global poverty and debt in partnership with Jubilee USA. This weekend is also the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank annual meetings which will be addressing issues of extreme poverty and the global economic crisis. 

Now is a critical time to call for debt cancellation, increased foreign aid in COVID supplemental legislation, and the issuance of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) by the IMF to address the global humanitarian crisis. SDRs are special bonds that the IMF can issue (grants, not loans) and would not cost the U.S. anything. They were issued in 2009 to address global financial crises and as much as $2.3 Trillion could be issued today.   

Contact your members of congress today to call for U.S. leadership in combating COVID-19 and addressing the impact it has had on the world’s most vulnerable.


For More Information:

Download the Jubilee Weekend interfaith toolkit with prayers and resources

Consider signing up your faith community to join Jubilee Weekend and lift up issues of debt in your service here and view the list of the faith communities and congregations who've already signed up for Jubilee Weekend here

View this Data visualization of global inequality

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