Support Mining Communities and a Just Transition

Mining pollution from the extractive industry has resulted in the significant decline in health and livelihood of mining communities. Abandoned mine sites create problems such as polluted streams, hazardous erosion and land subsistence, underground mine fires, and piles of coal waste. It is imperative we address these issues and support the communities most impacted by these consequences. The RECLAIM Act would allow for a just transition of new community innovation toward a more sustainable economy.

If passed, the RECLAIM Act (HR 2156 & S 1232) would clean up abandoned mine sites, as well as revitalize local communities and economies. These sites have caused lasting ecological harm from dangerous pollution on both private and public lands. The RECLAIM Act would release money in the form of block grants, creating the conditions for longer term, locally driven, economic development efforts to build a better, brighter future for coal communities across the country.

As people of faith, we are called to care for creation and all living things. The RECLAIM Act would not only help restore and clean up hazardous land but would also create thousands of new jobs across the country, providing an economic boost to communities who have laid off coal miners, and allowing them a renewed opportunity to thrive.

Now more than ever, it is imperative that Congress pass The RECLAIM Act. Please fill out the form to contact your member of Congress to show your support for former miners and the RECLAIM Act.