JPANet: Condemn anti-Asian sentiment and racist attacks

With the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) has also come a surge of anti-Asian discrimination towards our Asian American and Pacific Island neighbors. Plummeting sales at Chinese restaurants, repeated misrepresentation of the virus by politicians and in the media, and outward racist attacks have been reported across the country.

This xenophobia and racism must end now. Scapegoating and blaming Asian Americans for Coronavirus (COVID-19) is immoral, rooted in bad science, and extremely harmful to Asian Americans and to society as a whole. This appalling rise in attacks must be countered with swift action.

Urge your elected Members of Congress to stop the spread of xenophobia and to condemn racist attacks. Ask them to support the resolution introduced by Rep. U.S. Rep. Grace Meng (NY) that calls on Congress to denounce anti-Asian sentiment in all forms, and for all elected officials to do the same. The resolution also calls for a coordinated Federal response to these hate crimes and to actively combat misinformation.

As a faith community we are compelled to speak out against hate in all forms. The act of loving one another is done by countering and resisting racism and discrimination in all forms. Let us show support for our Asian American and Pacific Island neighbors in this crucial moment. Our actions now, in this crisis, show us who we really are.

Contact your members of Congress today. 

Once you have taken action, please share and encourage others to do the same! And, if you haven't done so, sign on to the letter from UCC Officers asking us to stand against hate. 

For further resources, view the UCC's response to xenophobia and racism here.