JPANet: U.S. Must Continue to Fund WHO

The U.S. Must Continue to Fund the World Health Organization

Last week, President Trump temporarily suspended U.S. funding for the World Health Organization (WHO) while a 60-90 day review takes place, and threatened to cut off funding completely. The WHO is the leading international institution on global health issues and is currently coordinating responses to the COVID-19 pandemic around the world. Threatening to cut funding for this institution at this moment is not only immoral, but cruel, and will ultimately impact developing countries most in need of support. As people of faith, we must call on our government to provide more funding, not less, to ensure that the WHO and other global health institutions have the resources needed to ensure all nations have the medicine and equipment needed to fight COVID-19.   

President Trump justified his threat on the basis that the WHO allegedly withheld information and did not communicate the severity of the virus as early as it could have for political purposes. Although the WHO is far from being perfect, and no institution should be above scrutiny, the President’s claims have largely been debunked by those who follow the issue.

The administration has not released details on the two month review of the WHO, or committed to releasing its finding to the public. The American people deserve more transparency, and further, the WHO should not become a scapegoat for this crisis or blamed for the failure of our nation to prepare accordingly. More cooperation is needed in moments like this, not less. 

Act now to call on the President to take back his dangerous threat, and instead work to strengthen the WHO by fully funding our financial commitments.


For More Information:

Global Ministries Report on the Global Impact of Covid-19

National Council of Churches USA Statement in support of the World Health Organization

World Council of Churches article on World Health Organization funding