JPANet: Tell Senators to Support Swift Passage of the HEROES Act

Recently the House passed the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act. This legislation is the largest of the relief packages offered by Congress, and contains several key provisions that are important to protect the most vulnerable. This includes longer term extensions of unemployment assistance and eligibility, much needed funding for state and local governments to address COVID-19, protections for immigrants including an expansion of direct payment assistance access, expansion of Medicaid funding, and protections for those who are in detention or incarceration.

Our faith community has been consistent in our insistence that COVID relief must include everyone. This holistic approach is important as we work to address the crisis brought on by the pandemic. We cannot only address the public health crisis, or the economic crisis, they must be approached in tandem. It is now time for the Senate to take up and pass this legislation.  

We need sustained and consistent support for vulnerable communities, and we need to strengthen our safety net programs to ensure that all are housed, cared for, and fed. Please ask your Senator to support swift passage of the HEROES Act.