Hope House of Sedona July 2020 update

Hello to all,

The challenging times in our country continue. I pray you are all staying safe and well as we live with this deadly virus. I do have lots of good news about Hope House, as we continue to move forward. Fortunately, to this point, the pandemic has not hindered our progress. That is a good thing, as more and more families are finding themselves jobless and homeless. The sooner Hope House is open to those Sedona families in need of transitional housing, the better.

The first exciting news is that the purchase of our West Sedona ½ acre property is complete. As you may recall, the City stepped in to assist us and purchased the property on our behalf when it was on the market. Once we received the grant money last month, we were able to move ahead and purchase the property from the City.

At the July 14th, 2020 City Council meeting, the Council approved our request for an $18,833 relief from city development fees. We are most grateful to the City of Sedona for all the ways in which they have helped us with this project.

Our Request for Proposal is completed and went out to potential bidders on July 15th. Bids must be submitted by August 12th. After that time, a bidder will be selected to construct the 4-bedroom, 4-bath, factory-built home. To the right of this article are some elevation drawings of the house so you can have a look at what we expect it might look like. The house will be attractive and fit nicely into the neighborhood.

We recently received a $1000 grant from the Rotary Club of the VOC to assist us with our fundraising efforts. We are updating our fundraising software and preparing to launch a fundraising campaign. To complete and open Hope House by June 2021, we are still $66,000 short of our financial goal.

You may go to our website hopehouseofsedona.org to donate or send a check to: Hope House of Sedona, 54 Bowstring Dr., Sedona, 86336. We need the help and strength of our entire community to make a difference in the lives of homeless Sedona children and their families.

Blessings, Gale Lothrop