Desert Garden UCC making plarn mats for Justa Center

Rudy Solis, center, gratefully accepts four plarn mats from John and Kathy Smith

Rudy Solis, center, gratefully accepts four plarn mats from John and Kathy Smith

Making plarn mats for Justa Center clients is moving forward by members of Desert Garden UCCC despite the COVID crisis.  Plarn is plastic yarn made by cutting plastic bags into strips, looping the strips, and then knitting or crocheting sleeping mats.  Rudy Solis, Justa Center staff coordinator, reports that the day center which services homeless individuals over 55 has seen needs grow significantly.

Ruth Dent, co-chair of the Mission Outreach Committee, said that the church is hoping to increase its on-going financial support Justa Center.  To make a financial donation or to learn how to plarn check the website at