Stop migrant children from being separated and detained in hotel rooms

Recently it has come to the attention of the Arizona Faith Network that a private security company is separating and detaining children at hotels here in Phoenix prior to deporting them separated from their families. As people of faith we cannot in good conscience stand by while this is occurring. We invite you to sign on to the letter below to demand answers from members of Congress and demand the immediate halt to the dehumanizing practice.

As an organization representing a diversity of faiths, the Arizona Faith Network is called to speak out for the most vulnerable among us. We are deeply troubled and concerned by the ongoing separation of migrant children from their parents here in Arizona. This unconscionable separation of children from their parents is an affront to our beliefs and our values.

We call upon the federal authorities to immediately give a full public accounting and investigation of the incidents that have occurred, as well as provide clarity around the current well-being and safety of these children.

Please sign on to this letter below to demand answers.

  • Who are these children? Where did they come from?

  • What is the average length of stay of a child in this hotel?

  • Why are these children separated from their families? Were these children originally apprehended with their parents or with family members?

  • Who is maintaining records of apprehension, identification, and outcomes of the children apprehended and expelled or deported?

  • What happens to them when they are returned to their country of origin? Who is caring for them?