Shoulder to Shoulder issues its Statement of Renewed Commitment

This week, Shoulder to Shoulder marks a decade as an organized interfaith coalition dedicated to addressing anti-Muslim discrimination and violence in the United States. The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and United Church of Christ are founding members of this coalition.

As Shoulder to Shoulder's leadership reflected together on the past decade and the current state of affairs, it decided to call for a recommitment to the work. In that spirit, a number of Shoulder to Shoulder's original founding member institutions - including Disciples and UCC leaders - in addition others who have joined Shoulder to Shoulder over the past decade, have signed a statement of renewed commitment.  You are invited to join.   

Change takes each and every person reaching out, building relationships, calling political leaders, hosting meals and conversations, showing up to serve together, and standing in solidarity in times of crisis. When each of us takes ownership in listening, learning, connecting, and working together, it is indeed possible to create a safer and stronger America for all people.

Click here to read the statement, and consider adding your name in support.