The Predatory Debt Collection Protection Act

The Southwest Conference of the United Church of Christ is pleased to endorse the Predatory Debt Collection Protection Act (PDCPA). The PDCPA is a proposed 2022 Arizona ballot measure that fights predatory debt collection in three key ways: it increases existing exemptions in Arizona law to allow more people struggling with debt to keep their homes, cars, and household goods; it protects workers wages by limiting the amount that can be garnished by debt collectors, and it helps folks with medical debt by capping the interest rate.

In Arizona, interest rates of medical debt can increase by as much as 10% per year, every year. Families can lose their homes, cars, or have their wages garnished by predatory debt collectors – even if they’ve done everything right.

The Predatory Debt Collection Protection Act fixes these problems by:

  • Protecting more assets from being sold to pay off debt collectors.

  • Ensuring hard-working Arizonans keep more of their bank accounts and wages.

  • Limiting the outrageous interest rates that trap families in an unending cycle of medical debt.

Learn more here.