A letter from Cruzando Fronteras

Dear Friends,

Thank you for your generosity to Cruzando Fronteras in 2021. As we approach the end of the year, remembering the birth of a baby to parents who were displaced, we invite you to join us once again in supporting our mission with a year-end gift.

It has been a critical year for our ministry. Most importantly, the United States started processing asylum claims, and every one of the over 200 migrants who had been waiting for the entire pandemic made it safely and legally across the border to begin their asylum process. Laughter and tears accompanied every departure, as family after family passed through their credible fear interview and joined family or friends in the U.S. as they await further determinations. Over 500 people have now made it through in 2021 so far. As people enter the United States, La Casa takes in new families, with our shelter generally housing 120-150 people. More than 50% are children—in fact, in October of this year, four babies were born to parents at La Casa, including one who was actually born in our dormitory!

Within our organization, there have also been many developments. For the first time, we managed to put together, and follow, a full year budget, and are on track to meet our goal of raising $150,000 this year. We developed a Covenant to guide our relationship with La Casa de Misericordia y Todas Naciones the shelter run by Sister Lika and others. Residents receive not just the basics of food, clothing, and shelter, but legal aid, mental and physical health care, and schooling for children. Spiritual care has been provided by clergy of the Diocese of Western Mexico, in addition to our visiting priests and pastors from Cruzando Fronteras.

In 2022, we anticipate completing our goal of becoming a 501©3 that will enable us to truly be an organization of equal ecumenical partners: the Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA, the Southwest Conference of the UCC, and the Episcopal Diocese of Arizona. Please remember Cruzando Fronteras in your year-end giving as well as a regular pledge gift for 2022.

Merry Christmas to you and yours—and may Christ’s blessing be with you.

The Cruzando Fronteras Steering Committee