Green Justice bills in New Mexico

from First Congregational UCC Albuquerque’s newsletter

As a Green Justice church, our call is to keep tabs on our elected officials and let them know what policies are important to us. Now that the state legislature is in session, we are holding Zoom meetings to follow some bills and learn how to advocate for them.

The first group of bills we are following includes:

SJR 3, Environmental Rights. This resolution declares that every New Mexican has the right to clean air, pure water, and a healthy environment. It advocates for putting this language into our state constitution. If it is passed by the legislature, it will be put on the ballot for the voters to approve. You can learn more here:

HB 106 and SB 84, Community Solar. These bills would allow smaller communities or groups to band together to build a PV solar installation and share the resulting electricity. This is a justice issue, as under our present system people living in apartments, renting, or having low income are not able to install solar on their homes. Learn more here:

SB 86, Use of Water in Oil and Gas Operations. This bill would limit the oil and gas industry’s use of fresh water in fracking oil wells and more closely regulate what happens to “produced water,” the toxic fluid that comes up out of the oil well along with the oil and gas. Learn more here: https://

SB 103, Restricting Use of Neonicotinoid Pesticide. You may have heard of “neonics,” a group of pesticides that are decimating our bee population. Bees are vitally important, as they pollinate so many food plants that we depend on. We truly can’t live without them! Google “neonicotinoid pesticides” to learn more.

We will also be following bills that deal with climate resiliency and a just transition to clean energy, relief to people decimated by the pandemic who can’t pay their energy bills, and a food/hunger/agriculture/ water initiative. As of January 25, these bills haven’t yet been introduced. Please contact Ruth Striegel if you would like more information, talking points on bills, and an Advocacy 101 handout.

Check out, the state legislature’s website, to learn much, much more!! You can advocate for a clean environment for all by contacting our legislators and telling them why this matters to you.