American Resilience Project presents: "Current Revolution"

Thursday, March 25th     6:30pm MST

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Activists and organizations, including Tó Nizhóní Ání, Dine CARE, Black Mesa Water Coalition, Sierra Club, AZIPL and many more, have been working for a long time to replace coal-powered plants with clean renewable energy sources. This just and equitable transition—from burning dirty fossil fuels to clean energy—will improve public health, reduce pollution, and help address climate change. The cost-effectiveness of renewable energy is driving this transition and has led to the closure of almost 300 coal plants in the United States since 2010. While these closures are important for the environment, they can have considerable impacts on the involved communities.

The American Resilience Project has produced a film, Current Revolution: Nation in Transition that explores the just transition from dirty coal to clean energy. The film focuses on the closure of the Navajo Generating Station, the West’s largest coal-fired power plant, and the Navajo Nation’s efforts to deal with its impacts and to embrace renewable energy. AZIPL will join with the Grand Canyon Sierra Club, Palo Verde Group, for their March Program which will be a panel discussion of this film with filmmakers and community activists, Paul Hirt, Roger Sorkin, and Nicole Horseherder.  This panel will begin at 6:30pm on Thursday, March 25th via Zoom. Attendees will be given access to the film and should view it before the discussion. RSVP here to get the Zoom link