Updates from The Lombard Mennonite Peace Center

Registration is now open for several events in June and beyond for opportunities for spiritual and professional growth:

Conflict Transformation Skills (June 3) helps church leaders deal more effectively with potentially destructive conflict.  For details consult this CTS Brochure.

Leadership and Anxiety in the Church (June 9) helps church leaders examine their role as self-differentiated leaders and their ability to help calm the chronic anxiety that affects their congregations.  For details consult this LAC Brochure.

Healthy Congregations (June 15) helps church leaders deal with the chronic anxiety that threatens to distract congregants from their God-given mission and purpose.  For details consult this HC Brochure.

MSTI Refresher Course (June 12) is a one-day review for graduates of our Mediation Skills Training Institute.

Mediation Skills Training Institute for Church Leaders (June 21-25) helps participants deal more effectively with interpersonal, congregational, and other forms of group conflict.  For details consult this MSTI Brochure.

 Groups rates are available for all of the above one-day workshops.  Restrictions apply.  Group organizers may wish to use this Registration Form to compile names and contact information for members of their group.  For more information please visit https://lmpeacecenter.org/ or contact the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center (630-627-0507 or Admin@LMPeaceCenter.org). 

Thank you for your continued support!