A Note from Our Conference Minister…

My heart is full and my spirit is rejoicing after visiting our migrating neighbors at La Casa de Misericordia last Thursday. I made the trip with Cruzando Fronteras ministry partners Bishop Jennifer Reddall, Bishop Deborah Hutterer, Pastors Randy Mayer and Mateo Chavez, and Deacon David Chavez.

Sister Lika, thank you for your heart-felt welcome and extravagant hospitality! Eucharist, delicious food, meaningful table fellowship, and the wonder of a community that incarnates all that Beloved Community is meant to be filled the day. What a thrill to preach the texts for the Feast of the Visitation in Spanish!

Will you support our migrating neighbors through the ministry of Cruzando Fronteras/La Casa with me? Thank you for your generosity as the SWC lives into our mission with our neighbors across the border: We are extravagantly welcoming and affirming followers of Jesus embodying God’s unconditional justice and love in the world!

sermon in Spanish

sermon in English

After worship Rosa thanked us for visiting and for the ministry of Cruzando Fronteras/La Casa.

migrants say thank you - rosa.jpg