First Church UCC Phoenix volunteers at IRC’s Welcome Center every Saturday

submitted by Jane McNamara at First Church Phoenix

Letecia and her young baby got off the Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE) bus at the Welcome Center at 10am this past Saturday, the day each week that First Church volunteers help out with all of the various tasks that are part of welcoming new asylum-seekers to Phoenix. Like so many others, she had crossed the border at Yuma after leaving everything she had behind. Everything except the baby.

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After a negative COVID test, she left the medical area and proceeded to find some clothing items for herself and the baby in the Ropa Room. When she came out, some of us saw her dragging a plastic bag with her new clothes and her personal things and we were able to carry her bag, find lunch in the cafeteria, and hold the baby while she took a shower. When she emerged, she put her hair up, exchanged her dusty shoes for new white flipflops and smiled as she gathered the baby in her arms. We helped her settle in a room at the Welcome Center called the chapel, and stayed with her until the baby fell asleep. She had said she wanted to rest. Later, First Church volunteers who serve dinner in the cafeteria on Saturday evenings filled a basin with warm water so she could bathe the baby and dress her in new clothes. They were leaving on a flight to New Jersey at 11:30 that evening, where their sponsor was waiting. We assured her before we left that someone at the Welcome Center would give them a ride to the airport. And we knew someone would. We said goodbye, wished her well on her journey and thanked God that we were able to truly “welcome the immigrant” in our midst. It was a privilege to be part of Letecia’s life for just a short while.

And if you would like more information about helping out at the Welcome Center, contact Jane McNamara at First Church provides volunteers during the day on Saturday and serves the Saturday evening meal at 5 pm every week.