Spiritual Practice and Suicide Prevention

Saturday, May 15, 9 am MST, 10 am MDT


When people think of suicide, they often conceptualize it as a crisis of mental health. While this framework is often times helpful in understanding the thought processes, emotional states and how to help someone through treatment, the framework does not fully take into account the role of spirituality and faith.

Faith tenets, faith communities, spiritual practices and experiences can all contribute to the resilience and coping of individuals and communities. Sometimes they can also contribute to despair, trauma and poor mental health. From a prevention perspective, faith communities often offer strong communities that pull together during tough times. These communities offer people a profound sense of belonging that can last a lifetime. The tenets of most of the worlds' faith traditions value life and offer insights into how to best serve others.

In the aftermath of suicide, many people turn to their faith communities and their religious beliefs to gain support and strength, while other people receive confusing or rejecting messages from their faith communities. Some people have spiritual awakenings or transformations as part of their post-traumatic growth, while other survivors of suicide loss experience a crisis of faith.

Dr. Sally Spencer-Thomas will conclude with a case study of one faith community's journey in suicide prevention and suicide grief support and later host a panel discussion with faith community leaders.

Brandon J Johnson, M.H.S. will also be joining the panel of speakers (listed below). A highlight of Brandon’s career is his current role as the Co-Lead of the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention’s Faith Communities Task Force.

- HOPE Coalition of Boulder County
- First Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, Boulder, CO
- Atonement Lutheran Church, Boulder, CO
- Interfaith Network on Mental Illness
- Mindful Works
- RISE Against Suicide


Farha Abbasi, Assistant Professor @Department of Psychiatry at Michigan State University

Reverend Talitha Arnold, Senior Minister @United Church of Santa Fe (United Church of Christ)

Daniel A. Roberts, D.D., D. Div., F.T., Rabbi Emeritus @Temple Emanu El, Cleveland, Ohio