Responses to Afghanistan Crisis

Dear Friend, 

I write to you today as an Iraqi woman who was resettled as an Iraqi Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) holder during the Iraq war. It shatters my heart to see Afghan families and individuals who are in grave danger in light of the news that in recent days, the Taliban entered Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, seizing control as the Afghan government collapsed. 

Tens of thousands of our Afghan allies are in imminent danger and face retaliation and death by the Taliban. Attacks from the Taliban on Afghan nationals who supported the U.S. mission have increased, and violence against Afghan women and children is at an all-time high. As the U.S. completes its withdrawal from Afghanistan, the Taliban is going from house to house searching for “traitors,” who worked with the United States, and their loved ones to punish. Action must be taken now to ensure a timely, efficient, and secure Afghan evacuation and for the United States to provide refuge for Afghan allies, their loved ones, and those fleeing violence and persecution. 
Here are top ways to take action TODAY:

We have also compiled resources for friends and family members in Afghanistan, as well as for newly arriving Afghan families, here are resources to welcome them. These resources - and more! - are available here.  

RCUSA’s press statement in response to the Taliban forces gaining control of Kabul is available here. Welcome With Dignity campaign’s press statement is available here.  

Thank you for taking action, and please share this alert with your networks!

 In solidarity, 

Dina Al Bayati

Advocacy Associate

Immigration and Refugee Program

Church World Service

Greetings to the UCC National Collaborative on Immigration and Conference leadership, 

My name is Irene, I was recently hired as the Minister for Refugee and Migration Services at the United Church of Christ National Setting. I am looking forward to learning about your ministries, and envisioning resources with you to help those ministries flourish. As you may be aware, the unfolding of events in Afghanistan this week places an urgent need for refugee support here in the USA. Our churches can play a vital role in a range of ways to help. Attached to this email is a Toolkit that offers a step-by-step guide of ideas for practical engagement that are specific to this situation and tailored to the many gifts we bring in local contexts of the United Church of Christ. 

Mourning, frustration, and anger are natural responses to this crisis. Yet, there also shines a light of hope with us as the hands and feet of Christ coming together to make an impact. As the church, we are called to lift up and empower the vulnerable, welcome the stranger, and entertain angels unknown. Please consider reviewing this document with your churches and engaging ministries that match the gifts and resources of your congregations in response. This is an unprecedented time not only for our nation, the people of Afghanistan, and the world, but also for our denomination as we formulate the words and actions needed to address the brokenness. As you enter a time of discernment and conversation within your churches, you can read the statement on Afghanistan by our UCC elected officers here: UCC Officers: We must not turn on our back on Afghanistan - United Church of Christ

In the coming weeks, we will be designing a Webinar to follow up on this call to action for congregations that would like to participate. Please be on the lookout for more information as it becomes available. 

Thank you for all you do to shine a beacon of hope in your communities, and I look forward to connecting with you soon. 

Peace and blessings on you this day, 

Irene Willis Hassan, MDiv

Minister for Refugee and Migration Ministries

Global H.O.P.E. – Humanitarian. Opportunities. Progress. Empowerment.

United Church of Christ, National Ministries

700 Prospect Ave East | Cleveland, OH 44115-1100

216.736.2135 | |