Urgent action for Arizonans

From First Church UCC Phoenix and Shadow Rock UCC:

Stop six bills from becoming law...your signature is needed

Perhaps you’ve heard that there are efforts underway to delay and potentially stop six controversial bills from becoming law, all passed by the Arizona State Legislature this past session.

Six petitions are circulating, but time is short. In order to successfully refer each of six referendums to the 2022 ballot, giving voters the right to decide if Arizona enacts a 2.5 percent flat tax, implements the already voter-approved Prop 208, and blocks further voter restrictions in our state, circulators need to turn in 150,000 valid signatures for each petition by Sept. 28.

Here’s where you come in! Help put these six referendums on the 2022 ballot. Let voters decide whether these bills should become law. Any registered voter can sign any or all of the six petitions. Petitions will be available to sign after worship at First Church this coming Sunday, Aug. 29. Or visit Shadow Rock UCC any Monday from 5-7 pm or any Saturday from 9-11 am.

There are two grassroots organizations behind the petition drive: Invest in Arizona and Arizona Deserves Better.

Invest in Arizona is working to refer three bills to the ballot that together would make deep permanent cuts to state revenue and create additional tax loopholes for the wealthiest Arizonans. Just last week, the Arizona Supreme Court denied the main funding provision of Prop 208, overwhelmingly passed by voters in 2020, as a means of providing nearly $1 billion in additional funds for Arizona’s students, teachers and classrooms. Now, facing the loss of these crucial funds, it is critical that all three Invest in Arizona petitions make the ballot. For more information or to find locations where you can sign petitions, go to: https://investinaznow.com/action-now/

Arizona Deserves Better is working to refer three more bills to the ballot. If enacted into law, these bills will limit the use of mail-in ballots, potentially disenfranchising thousands of Arizona voters. For more information or to find locations where you can sign petitions, go to: https://arizonadeservesbetter.com

In addition, you may hear about two initiatives that are also circulating petitions: Stop Dark Money and Healthcare Rising AZ. Signatures are due later this year, however, as these are not efforts to overturn recently passed legislation. Bills become law 90 days after the legislature adjourns, creating this year’s critical Sept. 28 deadline.