Invitation for faith leaders to sign climate methane letter

New Mexico folks: Barb received this letter last week from Sr. Joan Brown, Executive Director of New Mexico Interfaith Power and Light and offers it for your consideration. Pass it on to anyone in your congregations that might be interested. View the letter here.

We are all aware of the recent UN report on climate change. We are living through climate exacerbated weather events, fires, droughts and floods that are hurting our communities and those most vulnerable. We are called to care for sacred creation, Our Common Home. Faith leaders both ordained and unordained in various ministries have a very important voice to share for change.

In New Mexico we have been working to get new methane pollution rules to address waste in the oil and gas fields that is causing health problems and is 84 times more potent than other sources of carbon emissions responsible for climate change.

Please consider signing the attached faith leader letter. You can just send your name, faith affiliation or position and city to It is difficult to know all of the faith leaders in our dear state, so please pass this letter forward or send me contacts. We want to make sure that the ethical and moral voice is strong in the upcoming Environmental Improvement Board hearing September 20, 2021. This letter will be submitted to the board.

Much gratitude for all your do, peace and prayers,
Sr. Joan Brown, Executive Director, NM IPL