Some thoughts from our January 6 vigil

“Yesterday, at a January 6 peace vigil, I watched 70-year-old-plus veterans and grandmas with stern faces form a human wall between insurrection supporters and the stage from which we were speaking. I witnessed one of those grandmas tell a Trump supporter disrupting the vigil with profanities screamed through his bull horn, “You need to put that down and grow up,” while she gently put her hand on top the device and guide it to his side. I was moved to tears by the words of my ecumenical and interfaith colleagues as we shared a call for peace and a message of hope so ‘tight’ it could only have been written by One Author. This morning I am hopeful, grateful, and affirmed by the words of Ezekiel 2:4-8 as we fulfill God’s call into the struggle for justice and peace.” –Southwest Conference Minister, Rev. Dr. Bill Lyons

Read Bill’s full comments here.

For anyone interested, here’s the press take on what unfolded.

And here’s the UCC article.

Video below recorded by Arizona Faith Network.