"Migrant Women Rise" film hosted by First Church Phoenix has Arizona ties

First Church United Church of Christ Phoenix (FCUCC) is hosting a screening of the documentary “Migrant Women Rise: Stories of Red-Tagged Overseas Filipino Workers” on Friday, May 27 at 6pm. The screening is free and open to the public. No RSVP is necessary. The church is located at 1407 N. 2nd Street, Phoenix, AZ 85004.

Filmmaker Carl Catedral will be in attendance and available to answer questions from the audience and press.

Catedral, a Filipino-American, grew up in Phoenix and attended ASU. He moved to Hong Kong where he now lives with his wife, Dr. Lydia Catedral, a Linguistics professor and Taiwanese-American, and their 6-month-old son.

Migrant Women Rise profiles the stories of Filipino domestic workers fighting for their rights both in Hong Kong and the Philippines. Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, overseas Filipino workers in Hong Kong risk their lives and safety as they speak out against the anti-people policies of the Filipino government. The 70-minute documentary follows two migrant leaders who are victims of “red-tagging” under the Duterte Administration as they defend the rights of their fellow migrants, while navigating the challenges of life far from home.

Catedral is still editing the final cut of the film and preparing to screen it at international film festivals later this year. Hearing feedback now will help him improve the final version.

“Getting to know the Filipino migrant community in Hong Kong over the past three years has been very transformative. It’s an honor to come back to Arizona and share this film as a way to highlight and stand with migrant women activists, particularly as they face malicious accusations in the form of red-tagging,” said Catedral.

The Catedral family is in Arizona this month visiting relatives. Catedral’s mother-in-law, a Taiwanese-American, is a member of FCUCC congregation and helped coordinate the May 27th screening.

Learn more about the film here.

Watch the trailer: