A grateful note from a RIP Medical Debt beneficiary

Sofia Del Valle, Development Coordinator for RIP Medical Debt , passed along this thoughtful note received from a beneficiary who was directly impacted by the generosity of the SWC last year. She writes, “As you can see, Southwest Conference United Church of Christ's contributions were truly life-changing for this kind soul and so many others!”

"I got home from a 12-hour shift at work to another big pile of envelopes at the table, most of them I already know are debt collectors, but I still open them and put them in their piles for when I am ready to pay them off. This day was special though, I opened a letter and started reading it and it was from RIP Medical Debt. 

 I was almost brought to tears with realizing what this organization has done for me! My heart is so full knowing there are people out there spreading this kind of generosity and love. I am so happy and grateful to be relieved of this debt and I couldn’t thank them enough for what joy they have brought to me by doing this. I have hopes and dreams to get my own house and this debt being relieved is helping me get closer to my goals. What a blessing you all are! I know God is showing his wonderful love and mercy through you, it is received in my heart as a fellow Christian, and I couldn’t thank you enough."