Recording of Ecumenical World Refugee Day Worship

For those who were unable to attend live, the recording of the Ecumenical World Refugee Day Worship Service is here: World Refugee Day Ecumenical Worship Service - YouTube

 Any part of this recording is available for use by local churches in their own contexts for honoring World Refugee Day.

 Other tools and events that churches are encouraged to promote for World Refugee Day available here:

 World Refugee Day 2022 Faith Toolkit []

·        On June 13, 2022 the Interfaith Immigration Coalition and partners will hold a “Holy Voices: WRD Welcome for All!” webinar from 7 pm ET. You can register here [

·        Urge Congress & the Biden Administration to Welcome Refugees and Rebuild the U.S. Resettlement Program []

·        Tell President Biden and Congress to Halt Inhumane Expulsions and Anti-Asylum Policies at the Border []

World Refugee Day is June 20.