Educational Night re Arizona’s Prop 308 - plus a word from Rev. Rich Doerrer-Peacock

This Friday, September 30th at 6:30 PM (in the sanctuary of Desert Palm UCC in Tempe) and on Zoom

Join Desert Palm UCC for a few short video clips and some Q & A about Arizona Prop 308 and immigration in general. Their Justice and Witness Committee is working to raise awareness around and to support the pending legislation that will ensure Dreamers and other graduates from Arizona high schools pay in-state tuition.

This issue is really about education. The question is, “Does Arizona want to remove huge financial barriers for approximately 2000 high school graduates each year?”

Led by Rev. Tom Martinez and Rev. Rich Doerrer-Peacock

Here’s the Zoom link.

And here’s a short opinion piece written by Rich:

I like Prop 308.

I originally hooked onto it because I looked at it as an immigration issue.  But this proposition has nothing to do with changing anyone’s immigration status.  It’s more about education.  Questions to think about:

1.       Do we want to continue to put up barriers so that it is practically impossible to go to college for about 2000  Arizona graduates every year?  (A class at a community college that would normally cost $300, costs about $1000 for these students, simply because they were born on the “wrong” side of the border.) 

2.       Do we celebrate their desires to further their education which would enable them to get a job that matches their God-given gifts and passions? 

3.       Do we want to enable all AZ graduates who have spent at least two years already in AZ schools to pay the same costs as everyone else?

4.        Do we really want students to become self-sufficient members of society?  Isn’t it easier if one goes to college?


As a former teacher I’m passionate about people’s education.  I certainly don’t want to put up financial barriers!