Faith In Action

Southwest Conference youth delegation to attend D.C. March For Our Lives this weekend

Southwest Conference youth delegation to attend D.C. March For Our Lives this weekend

“It is easier for me to get a gun than to get a job or birth control.” This line is from a Facebook post by high school student Maya in Albuquerque that put into motion a trip with 11 other youth and seven adults from her church and four other churches in the Southwest Conference United Church of Christ. 

"Maya's words were an invitation for Maya and her peers to exercise their power to create a safe world through the agency of the Southwest Conference," said the Rev. Bill Lyons, conference minister. "We shared Maya's wisdom on our conference Facebook page. And we sent out the invitation for Southwest Conference high schoolers to join the March for Our Lives in Washington. This trip is Christian formation, a justice witness, and a civic engagement all in one."

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March For Our Lives Empowerment Gathering Late Night Discussion & Youth Sleepover

March For Our Lives Empowerment Gathering Late Night Discussion & Youth Sleepover

All UCC, UU, Catholic, and other church-related youth, friends, and chaperones are invited to a late night discussion and sleepover at Encanto Community Church.

You are also invited to attend the March For Our Lives Empowerment Gathering.

The youth event will begin around 8:30 p.m. on Friday March 23, 2018, immediately following the 7:00 pm March For Our Lives Empowerment Gathering. 

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UCC Youth planning to join March for Our Lives

UCC Youth planning to join March for Our Lives

In the Minnesota Conference, it's a number of essays; in the Southwest Conference, it began with a Facebook post.

Those are just two items powering UCC youth participation in the gun violence prevention rally, March for Our Lives, created, inspired by, and led by the students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, survivors of one of the deadliest mass school shootings in U.S. history.

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A Pastoral Letter on Sexual Misconduct

A Pastoral Letter on Sexual Misconduct

In recent months, there have been numerous stories of sexual misconduct by men of power in various settings of business, media, entertainment, and politics. In each case, it took the courage of one to name their experience of being sexually harassed or abused by someone more powerful than themselves in order for the sin of sexual abuse to finally be recognized.

We confess that the United Church of Christ (UCC) is not immune to these sins of sexual harassment, abuse, and misconduct. We repent when those in power at any setting of the UCC has acted inappropriately and violated others with their words, actions, or power. We, the Church, have sinned, and we ask for forgiveness from those, who have been violated.

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Protect the Dreamers & Keep Families Together

Contact your legislators today and demand that they protect Dreamers through legislation that offers permanent protection and that doesn’t threaten family reunification or endanger other immigrant populations. There is still a crucial deadline to hit, and we need to continue putting the pressure on Congress to get something done and support the Dreamers!

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From the Conference Minister: a few words on gun control legislation

I thought I would just say this now rather than reply to messages about my increasing advocacy and outspokenness for gun control legislation. Saves time. And it's cathartic. And it's an invitation to join me in the effort, but not in a discussion or debate - not over this issue because it involves the lives of our kids so there isn't anything to debate. My love and respect for all of you require that I share my truth and speak prophetically.

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