Faith In Action

Poor People's Campaign in Arizona

Poor People's Campaign in Arizona

We received this message from a friend of the Southwest Conference, Dave Coatsworth:

Friends, you are receiving this message because you have expressed interest in the Poor People's Campaign (PPC) through prior communication with me, or I suspect you may be interested in the PPC based on my general understanding of your interests and fundamental values.

I'm writing to give you some high-level information about the PPC, to encourage and request your direct participation, and to quickly build our Arizona PPC network, as we're very late to the dance.

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Immigration detention news

"The news from the courts regarding immigration and undocumented residents is unwelcome and unwelcoming. Our Gospel message of love and inclusion, that God calls us to “fear not” living as we share our privileges and blessings, is needed more than ever!"  - Conference Minister, Rev. Dr. Bill Lyons

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Support the Todo Tucson ID Campaign!

Last year, the Todo Tucson ID Campaign ramped up its efforts to push the city council to implement a city-wide Municipal ID. This ID would be available to undocumented people and other marginalized groups who don’t have the correct documents for a state-issued identification. Almost 20 U.S. cities and counties have issued a similar ID.

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Caravan for Alejandra Pablos

Alejandra was granted a bond hearing for Thursday, April 19, after being detained for over a month at Eloy Detention Center. She is calling for wide community support. There will be a caravan of folks headed to Eloy that day from Tucson. If you would like to join, please fill out this form. AmyBeth Willis of Southern Arizona Sanctuary will be going and would love for other Coalition members to join her!

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"Everyone has a status – The church and HIV testing"

"Everyone has a status – The church and HIV testing"

On May 8, UCAN launches the first in a series of online national conversations on HIV with a focus on HIV testing. A popular HIV testing slogan is, “Everyone has a status, do you know yours?” In preparation for National Testing Day, Wednesday, June 27, Rev. Mike Schuenemeyer will moderate this conversation via Zoom about the importance of everyone knowing their HIV status and the status of the church in promoting and facilitating HIV testing.

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Arizona Conference Coordinator for the 3 Great Loves campaign: Debby Stinton

Arizona Conference Coordinator for the 3 Great Loves campaign: Debby Stinton

3 Great Loves is a denomination wide initiative to live out our purpose, vision, and mission and is a witness to our collective efforts in making a more just world for all as God's hands and feet.  Beginning at Synod 2017 and ending at Synod 2019, through the lens of the 3 Great Loves, the UCC in its many settings of ministry will discern and lift up how we act upon our Love of God in and through these 3 Great Loves; Love of Neighbor, Love of Children, and Love of Creation. As we do so, we will tell the story of how we are impacting and transforming the world as covenantal partners united in common purpose, vision, and mission.

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Disaster Ministry Volunteer and Work Team Opportunities

Greetings from the SWC Disaster Ministry. I am looking forward to attending the Annual Meeting next month and meeting many members of our congregations across the SWC. In addition to assisting with the ALICE Webinar and helping to represent the Greater Phoenix UCC Justice Network, I will be available to meet with church leaders and attendees to discuss our Disaster Ministries. In May and over the months to come we have an opportunity to participate in the FEMA/VOAD National Mass Care Exercise (hosted by Arizona and including California, Nevada and New Mexico) and we are discussing organizing a work team or two to assist with disaster recovery in Texas or Florida. Opportunities to send work teams to Puerto Rico or Northern California will become available later in the year. 

Please see below brief descriptions of the National Mass Care Exercise (NMCE) and and the disaster work team opportunities. Contact me with your questions, to express interest or to set up a meeting in person or by phone/conference call. Phil Shea at 602-663-5065 or .

Phil Shea

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Phoenix Pride Parade

Phoenix Pride Parade

The Phoenix Pride Festival and Parade is the largest LGBTQ event in Arizona spanning two days with the “festival” and the “parade.” Last year, more than 37,000 people visited the festival over the course of the two days. The theme for this year is “United We Stand, Equality for All.”

Several churches in the Southwest Conference will participate in Phoenix Pride. If we've missed yours here, please send your information to Wende at and we will add it!

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