Faith In Action

Asylum seeker and her sons find refuge in Arizona pastor's hospitality

Asylum seeker and her sons find refuge in Arizona pastor's hospitality

Written by Connie Larkman

Living on the United States border with Mexico, the Rev. Randy Mayer spends much of his time, as he has for almost two decades, ministering to his migrant neighbors. The pastor of Good Shepherd United Church of Christ in Sahuarita, Ariz., is a founding member of many of the border humanitarian groups in the Santa Cruz Valley.

This week, Good Shepherd volunteers are accompanying a young mother from Honduras and her three sons — the infant, Diego, a six week old American citizen — to a check-in with Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Maria and her boys have been in this country just two months, and have had to navigate changes in U.S. immigration policy since their arrival

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Our Small Part

Our Small Part

written by Martha and Ray Phillips of St. Paul's UCC in Rio Rancho, NM:

In the past two weeks, we have participated in a teach-in at the Roundhouse in Santa Fe, stood by ourselves with signs at three locations in Albuquerque and Rio Rancho, driven to Phoenix to join a ​demonstration (including St. Paul's own Gordon Nelson, who met us there) outside the ICE headquarters, and joined with many others (including Rev. Jocelyn Emerson) at Senator Martin Heinrich's rally in Albuquerque.

Why are we doing this? Because "He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"  Micah 6:8

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Thank You for Donating to Immigrant Justice

Thank You for Donating to Immigrant Justice

Thank you to everyone who donated to immigrant justice by giving money and personal items to be donated to the children incarcerated at Tornillo Detention Center in Tornillo, TX. Jose Gonzales was grateful to get so much support from the Taos UCC community. With a Taos UCC mission grant of $300 combined with your donations on Sunday, we were able to give $753 to support immigrant justice at the border. 

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Calling immigrants and allies: leadership needed

Calling immigrants and allies: leadership needed

Leaders of the New Mexico Faith Coalition for Immigrant Justice are joining together to plan a sustained plan for the next several months that not only highlight opportunities to engage in education, advocacy, and direct service needs, but how this issue of family separation and family detention is seen within the context of systemic problems and attacks on the immigrant community at all levels. The efforts that NMFCIJ is undertaking need thoughtful leadership from the affected community and from allies who prioritize centering those most directly affected. 

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Migrant families at border have nowhere to go

Migrant families at border have nowhere to go

“In my 20 years here being engaged in front line immigration work, this was probably my most difficult and hopeless day,” Randy Mayer wrote to me. “There were probably 120 migrants looking for support. Most were coming from Guatemala and Honduras and wanting to seek asylum. There were a lot of women with children who were fleeing horrible domestic violence situations where their ex-husbands are trying to kill them. They had no idea that Attorney General Sessions has changed the laws and that they can't even apply, or if they do, they will be separated from their kids. It was so painful to see them process this news and they are so far from home.” There is no deterrence in what people don’t know. People with nothing to lose can’t be deterred.

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Helping relief efforts in Guatemala

Helping relief efforts in Guatemala

United Church of Christ is responding to the victims of the Fuego volcano in Guatemala

Disaster Ministries has already provided a $3,000 solidarity grant to Global Ministries partner Christian Ecumenical Council of Guatemala for hygiene kits, medicine and burn kits in unofficial shelters where needs. UCC network partners within Guatemala (the ACT Alliance) will be issuing an appeal within the next several days with comprehensive plans for recovery which UCC Disaster Ministries will be supporting as well.

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Women Investing Today – Seeking Justice in Our Financial Lives

At a time when women are increasingly making their voices heard in arenas across the American spectrum, many clergywomen and women that sit on investment committees are seeking opportunities to use their church endowments to positively impact society.

Can your church realize a competitive return and pursue active social engagement? The answer is yes. The Ministerial Excellence, Support and Authorization and United Church Funds (UCF) invite you to join us in exploring this timely subject in a webinar.

What we covered:

  • The importance of socially responsible investing (SRI)

  • How UCF enables churches to align and integrate their faith and values while growing their endowment

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End Family Separation Town Hall

Thursday, June 14, 6 p.m.
First Church UCC Phoenix, 1407 N. Second Street, Phoenix

sponsored by the Phoenix Restoration Project

Fact-based discussion of the assault on migrant families is a necessary foundation for effective community responses to the recent practice of separating children from their parents at the U.S. border.

Hear the perspective of immigration lawyers and other experts. Bring your questions, and be part of this important community conversation.

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ICE Visit Sign Ups

Slots open for July and beyond

Shadow Rock UCC visits the Phoenix ICE Field Office at 11:00 a.m. on the 17th of every month. They use this time to stand with our immigrant neighbors and their families, make a prayer or statement, and pass out water and snacks for those waiting in line for appointments.

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LGBT immigration questions?

LGBT immigration questions?

Transcend AZ is looking for people identifying as LGBT with immigration related questions who might qualify for free legal representation. There will be a free clinic on Saturday June 16th with the Florence Project.  For more information, please call Transcend Arizona at 480-234-1476.

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