Faith In Action

Living by Faith: Overcoming Hurricanes in Nicaragua and Honduras

Living by Faith: Overcoming Hurricanes in Nicaragua and Honduras

Webinar on March 3 at 3pm ET

Representatives from the Moravian Church in Nicaragua, Christian Mission Church of Nicaragua, Evangelical and Reformed Church in Honduras, and Christian Commission for Development in Honduras will share about their work responding to the two category four hurricanes, Eta and Iota. In November of 2020, they caused massive damage and flooding across Nicaragua and Honduras.

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Green Justice bills in New Mexico

from First Congregational UCC Albuquerque’s newsletter

As a Green Justice church, our call is to keep tabs on our elected officials and let them know what policies are important to us. Now that the state legislature is in session, we are holding Zoom meetings to follow some bills and learn how to advocate for them.

Read about the first group of bills they’re following.

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At-home COVID tests are now available for free in New Mexico

from Taos UCC newsletter

This is a simple spit-in-a-vial test, and your results are sent to you by email. Click here to order a test.

Please be sure you are signed up on the NM vaccine registry. Then update your registration to include past and present conditions or illnesses.

Health care professionals are now saying that it is important to upgrade your mask from a single mask to a double mask. KN-95 masks are also available online or in some stores. Look for those FDA approved.

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Arizona Faith Network Interfaith Youth Conversation

Arizona Faith Network Interfaith Youth Conversation

Sunday, February 21, 3:30-5:00 p.m.

If you are a 14–22-year-old Arizona youth or young adult interested in the intersectionality of interfaith dialogue and social justice, join us for an informal conversation. Together we will learn more about diverse faiths, our communities, and one another! All youth and young adults active in their faith communities are welcome for this conversation.


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2021 Environmental Day at the Arizona State Capitol

2021 Environmental Day at the Arizona State Capitol

Theme: One Planet. One Future. Climate Justice Now!
Date: Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 8:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Virtual Program: All sessions via Zoom or other online program

Join hundreds of advocates from throughout Arizona in meeting with state legislators to promote environmental protection and justice, climate action, lands and wildlife conservation, flowing rivers, democracy, and more, as well as to lobby on specific bills. After an opening plenary participants will meet with legislators as part of a team. Training & background information will be provided.

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Building Back Hope: A Service of Release & Renewal

Building Back Hope: A Service of Release & Renewal

Tuesday, January 19, 2021 at 3:30 EST (1:30 MST)

Please join the United Church of Christ and The People’s Inauguration as we curate space for Release & Renewal at the intersection of Pain & Promise. At the close of Martin Luther King Day Celebrations and on the cusp of the 47th Inauguration, we will worship together bearing witness to this past year and pouring Hope into the future.

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Ryle Faith Leaders Public Policy Institute

The Ryle Faith Leaders Public Policy Institute is an eight-session series that will explore the role of faith communities in public life, critical issues facing Arizona, and strategies to bridge the ideological divisions both within our state and local congregations.

During this eight-session seminar, a cohort of participants will grapple, in an interfaith setting, with the tough issues facing our state. The 2021 Ryle Institute will run January 27 through March 18, 2021.

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JPANet January Newsletter 2021

JPANet January Newsletter 2021

There are few words that can cover the violent attack we collectively witnessed …at the Capitol building in Washington D.C. What we can say, is that immediate steps must be taken to strengthen and repair our democracy. For this month's Getting to the Root, Washington D.C. Office Director, Sandy Sorensen, and Domestic Policy Advocate, Katie Adams, teamed up to tackle this massive and pertinent issue.

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211 Crisis Response Network

211 Crisis Response Network


Regardless of immigration status, whatever your personal or family crisis, help is available by making a phone call to the Crisis Response Network. Any person living in Arizona can get help with economic and other problems listed below:

  • Are you or your family in danger of becoming homeless?

  • Is there no heat or are utilities going to be shut off?

  • Do you need food, baby formula, or other essentials?

  • Do you need COVID-19 testing or other health care?

  • Do you need assistance finding a job?

  • Do you need legal services?

  • Do you need crisis counseling?

Spanish and English speakers answer the phone any hour of the day or night to help you with your particular problem. Interpreters in all other languages are available as well. They answer your questions or find the answers for you as they have access to many resources.

Free, anonymous help is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by simply dialing 2-1-1.

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Capitol violence response

On Friday, the Arizona judicatory leaders of the Disciples of Christ, the United Methodist Church, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the United Church of Christ, Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA), The Episcopal Church, and the African American Christian Clergy Coalition jointly released the following message in response to Wednesday's attack on the U.S. Capitol.

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UCC Webinar—What’s Possible?: Faith and Climate Policy in 2021

UCC Webinar—What’s Possible?: Faith and Climate Policy in 2021

After the Georgia Senate runoff election on January 5th, we will know the legislative landscape for the new Congress. What will be possible for climate policy? Aside from congress, what might President Biden accomplish through executive orders? This webinar will address these questions with an eye toward what faith communities can do to put their values into action in pressing for the kind of climate policies urgently needed in this time of crisis and inequality.

The featured panelists will be Anthony Rogers-Wright from the Climate Justice Alliance, Emily Wirzba from the Environmental Defense Fund, and Clarence Edwards from the Friends Committee on National Legislation. Even if you can't make the webinar’s scheduled time on Wednesday, January 13th at 1 pm ET, still sign-up, and we will send you a recording of it.

Sign up now to join the webinar!

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Arizona clergy have launched a petition

Arizona clergy have launched a petition

As part of the Arizona Interfaith Network, Arizona clergy have launched a petition calling on action from Governor Ducey and the Congressional Delegation to act swiftly on extending a state eviction moratorium until June, providing needed new federal relief assistance funds to landlords and tenants, and creating standardized and flexible means to access these resources. Evicting the most vulnerable during this crisis will only worsen our public health crisis. Read more or sign the petition by clicking here.

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