Faith In Action

Message from CM Rev. Bill Lyons re: significant immigrant policy actions

These actions are consistent with actions for which people of faith have called in their advocacy on behalf of migrant families and the pursuit of justice. They are consistent with UCC General Synod and Southwest Conference resolutions calling for the just and respectful treatment of our neighbors and for immigration policy reform.

As encouraging and important as these steps are, people of faith need to encourage local Border Patrol, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and Department of Homeland Security officials to implement the new policies and to support them as they do so.

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Civil rights legislation in the NM House

We have a strong nondiscrimination law in New Mexico, but it can and should be even stronger. Our most vulnerable New Mexicans must be clearly and explicitly protected from discrimination on the basis of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, and gender identity when using government or government-funded services.

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100 Angels

100 Angels

The Immigration Task Force of First Church Phoenix invites you to drive through our parking lot Sunday, March 14 or Sunday, March 21 from 8am-10am to drop off needed medical supplies and donations to assist families seeking asylum. The donations benefit One Hundred Angels, a local volunteer group that assists asylum seekers with basic medical care.

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Let's Get Rid of Private Prisons

Let's Get Rid of Private Prisons

Private profit driven prison contractors are inherently incentivized to maximize profits while minimizing costs. These contractors' primary duty is to their shareholders rather than to New Mexicans. New Mexico relies more heavily on private prisons than any other state in the US and ranks high on the number of people incarcerated per capita. It is time for this to change.

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Sahuarita Food Bank Groundbreaking

Sahuarita Food Bank Groundbreaking

Ten local dignitaries turned golden shovels on a sunny afternoon February 11, marking the first step toward completion of SFB-CRC’s new building. Board President Penny Pestle and Executive Director Carlos Valles directed them to seats centered on the property south of The Good Shepherd UCC where the 14,300 sq. ft. facility should be ready in less than a year.

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Sofa Spirituality

Sofa Spirituality

Wednesday, March 17, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.

Join us on the sofa to learn about diverse faith practices and enter into dialogue together. Despite the limitations of physical distancing, a new reality of our interconnectedness through technology has blossomed. We realize that our work doesn’t need to end; rather, it needs to evolve. Sofa Spirituality allows people of faith and hope, curiosity and interest, to learn about each other while being in dialogue with each other. The intimate style of Sofa Spirituality affords each one of us to have a seat on the sofa and a voice in the conversation. Join us from your own sofa to learn about Passover practice from Rabbi Bonnie Sharfman, Rabbi of Congregation Kehilliah and Vice President of Arizona Faith Network.

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Call for Equity in Vaccine Access at the WTO

Call for Equity in Vaccine Access at the WTO

Recent studies have warned that in low and middle income countries, a majority of people will not have access to the vaccine until 2024, if at all, unless more is done to ensure equal access to vaccines and treatments. If we have learned anything from this crisis, it is that we are all connected as one global community and our safety depends on everyone being given access to vaccines, tests, and treatment.

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Statement on Sonoran Science Academy vandalism

As Tucson area clergy committed to love, inclusion, and justice, we unite to condemn the racist vandalism that occurred at the Sonoran Science Academy on February 1. We are angry and sad, though not surprised, to see this sort of hateful action that does violence to our hearts and minds taking place in our community where diversity is celebrated and many have intentionally worked to know and appreciate neighbors from different backgrounds, orientations, religions, and races.

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