Faith In Action

Interfaith Youth and Young Adult Conversations

Interfaith Youth and Young Adult Conversations

Sunday, April 18, 3:30 p.m.
If you are a 14–22-year-old Arizona youth or young adult interested in the intersectionality of interfaith dialogue and social justice, join us for an informal conversation. Together we will learn more about diverse faiths, our communities, and one another! All youth and young adults active in their faith communities are welcome for this conversation.


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Tell Your Senator: Reauthorize VAWA

Tell Your Senator: Reauthorize VAWA

Our faith tells us that each person bears the image of God and each person’s life is valuable. We are called to oppose violence and abuse and ensure the protection and safety of others. Our 14th General Synod spoke to this stating, “Believing in the goodness and equality of men and women in the created order, we must testify that any unnecessary suffering – particularly the physical or sexual abuse of any person – is a blasphemy before God and a grave injustice in our midst.”

Act now. Call on Congress to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act. Urge them to safeguard and uphold the programs supported by VAWA and to not wait any longer to pass this crucial legislation.

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The Pollinator: Four Earth Sunday Activities

The Pollinator: Four Earth Sunday Activities

Dear Pollinators,

To a cynic, Earth Day can be the equivalent of a revival Sunday on which everyone catches religion for a day only to return to their previous ways come Monday morning. Rather than being a day of short-lived enthusiasm, however, Earth Day can also be a launching pad for sustained commitments. For some congregations, that might mean forming a Green Team to strategize for future programs. For others, it might mean developing a plan for becoming a Creation Justice Church. For still others, it might mean plugging into a sustained advocacy program such as one recently launched by Interfaith Power & Light. Whatever the case may be, here are four ideas for activities your church can do near Earth Day to lay the foundations for further action:

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OCA- GPC Situational Awareness Workshop Training

OCA- GPC Situational Awareness Workshop Training

Tuesday, April 20, 6:00 p.m.

OCA's fundamental belief is that change can only be enacted through an education process that is community centered and promotes de-escalation, compassion and restoration. This 1.5 hour long training will address the history and current events of AAPI hate, discuss foundational concepts, and teach bystander/ community intervention strategies. Join us in our fight to stop AAPI hate for good.


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Granting D.C. statehood would honor freedom during this holy season

Granting D.C. statehood would honor freedom during this holy season

There is no way for us to reconcile our biblical responsibilities to one another with disenfranchising our brethren in the nation’s capitol.

Rev. Dr. William Lyons and Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz write in Arizona Mirror about #AZForDCStatehood: "Our U.S. senators, Senator Sinema and Senator Mark Kelly, should draw on the biblical teachings of mutual respect & protecting the freedoms of all members of the community."

Read "Granting D.C. statehood would honor freedom during this holy season."

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It's Time to Re-Enter Iran Nuclear Deal

It's Time to Re-Enter Iran Nuclear Deal

As a Just Peace Church, the United Church of Christ has long advocated for diplomatic and peaceful engagement with Iran, and for the cessation of the “testing, production, and deployment of nuclear weapons.” We have spoken out on multiple occasions in opposition to inflammatory rhetoric and direct provocation that could ultimately lead to war. And the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) adopted a resolution at its 2015 General Assembly in support of the JCPOA.

We must take advantage of the opportunity before us and urge our representatives stand for peace and diplomacy now.

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It's Time to Pass the Equality Act

It's Time to Pass the Equality Act

The United Church of Christ General Synod has long advocated for the civil rights of LGBTQ people, grounded in the recognition of the God-given worth and dignity of every individual. We are called by biblical mandate to respect the full humanity of each person and to resist practices which deny individuals their full humanity. Support for the Equality Act is consistent with our longstanding faith calling to fairness and justice.

All of us are diminished when individuals are prevented from contributing the full measure of their talent and ability to society. Stand for fairness and urge your members of Congress to support the Equality Act.

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Our Faith Our Vote: For The People Act

Our Faith Our Vote: For The People Act

As people of faith, we believe in upholding the dignity of each person, which means protecting their sacred right to participate in the democratic process, unencumbered by voter suppression. It also means making sure all voices are lifted up, not just those who can afford a corporate political action committee. The For the People Act is an important step toward helping us live more fully into the promise of a democracy for ALL.

Please contact your Senators asking for their full support and swift passage of the For the People Act, so we can make sure that each person’s voice and vote are protected.

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