Faith In Action

Afghanistan action steps from Valarie Kaur

Afghanistan action steps from Valarie Kaur

“What if this was the moment we made America a safe home for all refugees? What if we turned America into a place where refugees were not banned or detained or caged at the border, but welcomed with support and solidarity? What if we began to reckon with the impact of our nation's actions globally -- and chose consistent repair? Imagine America as a place that sees no stranger. It would be nothing less than revolutionary. “

How to take action:

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Urgent action for Arizonans

From First Church UCC Phoenix and Shadow Rock UCC:

Stop six bills from becoming law...your signature is needed

Perhaps you’ve heard that there are efforts underway to delay and potentially stop six controversial bills from becoming law, all passed by the Arizona State Legislature this past session.

Six petitions are circulating, but time is short. In order to successfully refer each of six referendums to the 2022 ballot, giving voters the right to decide if Arizona enacts a 2.5 percent flat tax, implements the already voter-approved Prop 208, and blocks further voter restrictions in our state, circulators need to turn in 150,000 valid signatures for each petition by Sept. 28.

Here’s where you come in!

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Caste Book Study

Caste Book Study

Mondays (bi-weekly) September 13 - December 6, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. via Zoom

Join people of faith as we study Isabel Wilkerson's masterful portrait of an unseen racial justice phenomenon in America. "Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents" is an eye-opening story of people and history, and a reexamination of what lies under the surface of ordinary lives and of American life today.

She tells us stories about real people, how America today and throughout its history has been shaped by a hidden caste system—a rigid hierarchy of human rankings.


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JPANet: We Must Not Turn Our Back on Afghanistan

JPANet: We Must Not Turn Our Back on Afghanistan

We call on our policy makers to own our failure to draw this conflict to an end sooner, and we urge them to invest in peace-building, humanitarian support, diplomatic engagement, and expansion of access to the U.S. resettlement program to provide refuge for Afghans fleeing violence and persecution.

We invite you to join us in these action steps.

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What is Critical Race Theory?

What is Critical Race Theory?

In their latest church newsletter, Shepherd of the Hills UCC included a link to this piece.

“Find out what Christians should know about Critical Race Theory by exploring a roundtable discussion, infographics, articles, action steps and more from our United Methodist friends. Share the resources with your friends and family to expand and support racial justice work.”

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The Border is a Gigantic Pressure Cooker That Intensifies Suffering

The Border is a Gigantic Pressure Cooker That Intensifies Suffering

This report from the US-Mexico Border on the current immigration struggle was written by Rev. Randy J. Mayer for the American Waldensian Society.

The US/Mexico Borderlands are sweltering in record heat this summer, with temperatures already spiking to 115 Fahrenheit (46 Celsius). As a result, migrant suffering and migrant deaths have also spiked. It is literally impossible for most migrants to carry the 6 to 10 gallons of water, weighing between 48 and 80 pounds, that they will need to survive a three-to-seven-day journey in the scorching heat across the Sonoran Desert.

But the situation is much more serious than just the extremely high temperatures and the difficulty of carrying enough water for three to seven days in the desert.

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United Church of Christ first mainline Protestant Church to Pass the “Rights of Nature: Who will Speak for the Trees?”

United Church of Christ first mainline Protestant Church to Pass the “Rights of Nature: Who will Speak for the Trees?”

Rev. Dr. Brooks Berndt, Environmental Justice Minister of the UCC, “Historically, we have been a denomination of firsts, and I am excited to see our members leading the charge to undo a legacy of colonial theology and planetary destruction.” He continued, “This resolution is about undoing a centuries old theology of empire and colonialism. It puts into the dustbin of history worldviews that regard the natural world around us as something to be exploited and consumed by humans with callous disregard.”

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