Finding Refuge in the Midst of it All: Mindfulness as a Protector

Fri, March 15, 2019, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM MST

Scottsdale Congregational UCC, 4425 N Granite Reef Rd, Scottsdale, AZ 85251

Everyone is looking for a place of safety and rest in the midst of an uncertain, often chaotic and confusing life. The Buddha’s teaching and practices remind us that we can rediscover a sense of well being within our own nature, a way of living in harmony with life and a welcoming community of support. Howie will offer some instruction and guidance in Mindfulness practice and Lovingkindness, and explore the relevance of the Buddha's teachings on taking refuge in our modern lives.

Howie is offering this open public talk on Friday evening, sponsored by Insight Meditation Scottsdale, and will be teaching a two-day, non-residential retreat on the following Saturday and Sunday locally. If you would like to find out more about the retreat, go the the Insight Meditation Scottsdale website, here: Howard Cohn 2 Day Retreat