Church News

Widening the Welcome: Zoom / conference call with Rev. Sarah Griffith Lund at Desert Palm UCC

 Widening the Welcome: Zoom / conference call with Rev. Sarah Griffith Lund at Desert Palm UCC

Widening the Welcome Zoom / Conference Call 
Desert Palm UCC 1230 E. Guadalupe Road, Tempe, AZ
Thursday, September 13th 6 p.m.

Join Desert Palm UCC for a zoom/conference call with Rev. Sarah Griffith Lund, author of the award-winning memoir, Blessed are the Crazy, and UCC Minister for Disabilities and Mental Health Justice. Sarah will be joined by Terry Martinez Esquibel, UCC Disabilities Ministries Board’s Vice Chair.

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Needlework for Nogales Children (N4NC) sponsors Fifth Annual Fiesta and Sale benefit

Needlework for Nogales Children (N4NC) sponsors Fifth Annual Fiesta and Sale benefit

October 7, 2018, 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Casas Adobes Congregational UCC, Tucson

N4NC has proudly sponsored the Fiesta and Sale each fall for four years – this is our FIFTH! As ever, all proceeds of this event will benefit El Hogar de Esperanza y Paz (Home of Hope and Peace -- HEPAC) and Coöperativa de Mujeres Unidas para HEPAC (Women’s Cooperative of HEPAC -- MUH), helping them to continue their excellent service to the surrounding community and those who shelter with them.

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Spirituality for Activism

Spirituality for Activism

Wednesday, September 5, 2018
9:30 – 11 a.m.
Sun Lakes UCC
25635 Country Club Drive
Sun Lakes, Arizona 85248

What kind of spirituality do we need as activists that will keep us engaged and keep us from falling into burnout? These presentations will suggest that it is a spirituality rooted in the practice of Sabbath. We will consider the works of Abraham Heschel, the great Jewish writer, and Walter Brueggemann and his book, Sabbath as Resistance: Saying No To The Culture of Now.

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Crane and Butterfly Store

Free Store to Serve the Albuquerque Community 

First Congregational UCC Albuquerque's Crane and Butterfly store is reopening on Monday, Sept 10. The store will be open from 3:00-4:30 p.m. each Monday through the 2018-19 school year. This began as a free store for Jefferson Middle School children. Since Jefferson is no longer a Community School, the store now will serve low income families from a number of other schools, helping to meet a very urgent need.

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“Your Brain and Aging”

“Your Brain and Aging”

New class this fall at Casas Adobes Congregational UCC
Mondays, Sept. 10th through Oct. 1st from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m.

Keep your mind healthy and active. New research shows that several factors are responsible for better cognitive performance in the aging process, including decision-making, reasoning and problem-solving skills. You will learn how to maintain and improve these functions, and how to focus attention, enhance your memory, and get more enjoyment out of life’s experiences. 

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Nursery Attendant Position at Desert Palm

Nursery Attendant Position at Desert Palm

Desert Palms’ beloved nursery attendant, Kristin Wetzel, will be stepping down in June from her position.  Kristin has cared for and loved the littlest among us for almost 20 years. Her dedication has been amazing!  At this time, we are in the process of finishing a new nursery attendant. A position description has been put together. Accepting application through May 22nd. Position begins June 10th.

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Sedona Academy of Chamber Singers concert at Church of the Red Rocks

The Sedona Academy of Chamber Singers, choir-in-residence at The Church of the Red Rocks and the only semi-professional choir in Northern Arizona, will share a choral concert at 2 p.m. Sunday, August 19th, at The Church of the Red Rocks, 54 Bowstring Drive, Sedona.

Admission is free.

The concert, entitled From the Heart, will feature choral settings featuring basic human emotions:  joy, sadness, anger, fear, and love.

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