A new book for parents of children who are marrying same sex spouses.

A new book for parents of children who are marrying same sex spouses.

More than 70,000 same-sex couples have married in the United States since Massachusetts became the first state to legalize same-sex marriage in 2004. These marriages can pose unique challenges for both couples and their parents. In her new book, “When Your Gay or Lesbian Child Marries: A Guide for Parents” (Rowman & Littlefield, 2016), Clark Sociology Professor Deborah Merrill examines how same-sex marriage changes relationships between parents and their gay or lesbian adult children.

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Food Bank Adds Solar Power

Thanks to grants provided by the Marshall Foundation and the County Fair/White Elephant, the Food Bank has been able to respond to The Good Shepherd’s commitment to cleaner energy and a lower carbon footprint. Panels installed on the roof of the Redman Room and the Library will
generate enough power to operate the two outdoor coolers, with a corresponding reduction in energy costs to the Food Bank. While the coolers are highly efficient units, specifically designed to operate in the desert, they nonetheless cost about $250-300 to operate each month. The coolers are separately metered, and the energy costs paid for by the Food Bank. With the addition of solar power, approximately 95% of those costs will be met. “That translates into more food for more people, and assures that funding the operation of the coolers will not be an issue in the future,” reports President of the Sahuarita Food Bank Board, Curt Ackley. “Our grantors have been impressed with the dedication of our volunteers to our belief that no children should go to bed hungry.”

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The Good Shepherd, Sahuarita

Books, Books, Books, will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, February 3, in the Zuni room on the second floor of La Perla at La Posada. All are welcome. February's book is John Dominic Crossan's "The Power of Parable: How Parables by Jesus became Parables about Jesus".  This is the theme of the weekend seminar with Crossan to be held at The Good Shepherd, February 19-20. If you have any questions about the book group meeting, please call Jane or Burt Eubank at 520-393-6593.

The Art of Deep Listening

· Are you in a helping profession and ready to take the next step or are you looking
for spiritual direction training?

· Are you at the point where you want to explore deeper levels of the faith life?

· Have you ever asked - "I wish I knew how to be present to this person without trying to fix them?"

· Do you yearn for connection to community beyond "programmatic" offerings?

· Are you ready to go deeper with yourself, God and others?

If you have answered, "yes" to these questions, then:
"THE ART OF DEEP LISTENING" may be the place for you!
Using the practice of "Spiritual Direction/Companioning" as our guide, this 6-month
community will explore the gift of deep listening to God, self and others.

Visit the Pathways of Grace website for more information.

Sun Lakes UCC, Sun Lakes

Sun Lakes UCC will celebrate its one year anniversary of its Open & Affirming vote on Sunday,
January 24, 2016. The service will include a congregational renewal of Sun Lakes' ONA Covenant,
along with some special hymns and the distribution of rainbow ribbons.

Black Mountain, Scottsdale

Black Mountain continues to offer Prayer Shawls thanks to the wonderful work of several in the
congregation. Anyone, in town or out of town, who would love the comfort of a prayer shawl, may contact the church to make arrangements. Much comfort comes from a shawl which has been made with love and sent off with the prayers and blessings of the Black Mountain congregation.

Desert Garden, Sun City

Last year excitement for the Super Bowl was high because the big game day was in Glendale, and
Desert Garden launched a Soup for Super Bowl drive as part of the excitement. Some may not
be as excited about this year's game, but the need for food has not changed at Valley View Food
Bank. Desert Garden is again collecting soup to fill the Soup Bowl for the Valley View Food Bank.

Rincon Congregational, Tucson

Seven Rincon members and friends representing Rincon stood in solidarity with our Islamic
brothers and sisters at the Islamic Center of Tucson's (ICT) prayer service, lecture and meal.
Members prayed with and met some women from their community who visited Rincon and shared hospitality and faith stories with us.

KTIZO, Phoenix

KTIZO is having a Harmonic Happy Hour the Sunday before Valentine's Day (Feb 7th).
Women of all ages are invited to a Happy Hour presented as a gift of love. The event is being
planned and executed by men and sons with their loved ones, mothers, wives, friends, sisters in
mind. The Ktizo band is creating a program that is sure to warm the heart. The men from
beginning to the end will do the rest, creating an assortment of good things to eat, waiting tables, and sharing special special talents worthy of the occasion.

Desert Palm, Tempe


Grand Piano Desert Palm UCC in Tempe is looking for a grand piano in excellent
condition from 5' 4" to 5' 9" in length to fit our current space and with either wood grain or a color that would complement our sanctuary. Please keep Desert Palm in mind if you know of a piano that would fit our needs. Contact: Jon Sywassink, Minister of Music, jsywas@aol.com.
Desert Palm Youth are sponsoring Souper Bowl Sunday on February 7th, Super Bowl Sunday.
Soup and bread will be provided after worship, and fans can root for their favorite football team both before and after worship by donating to the AFC bowl, the NFC bowl, or their favorite team.
Donations will be divided between a local community service organization chosen by Desert Palm
Youth, and the Heifer Project.

The Good Shepherd UCC, Sahuarita

Border Issues Fair
The Border Issues Fair is just around the corner, Sat. Jan. 16, beginning at 8
a.m. with exhibits and registration. Presenters: Margaret Regan, journalist and author of "Detained
and Deported: Stores of Immigrant Families Under Fire"; Jenny Johnson, Washington, DC, border
policy advisor for the Southern Border Community Coalition; and Dr. Abby Wheatley, border
activist and researcher, speaking about "Migrant Mobilities: Reframing Life and Death on the
Arizona-Sonora Border." $10 donation requested. Please bring warm gloves, hat or jacket for
those in the desert.

Crossan Seminar, February 19 & 20
Don't miss the seminar with John Dominic Crossan, at the Good Shepherd, February 19 & 20. Crossan is widely known for his work with the Jesus Seminar.

The theme of the seminar is "The Power of Parable: How Parables by Jesus became Parables
about Jesus." The seminar begins Friday, Feb. 19, at 7 PM, with registration and refreshments. At
7:30 Crossan will speak about "The Types of Parable: Riddle, Example & Challenge." Saturday
there will be two morning presentations and one following lunch. Registration flyers are on the table in the Narthex or go to www.thegoodshepherducc.org at the events tab.

Beyond Jesus.... Voices of the Southwest Conference UCC

You are invited to be part of a special project by sharing in just a few words how God
spoke to you...changed you...blessed you through a special person, along with a picture of
both of you.

Your short paragraph and picture will be transformed into poster-sized art along with other
voices throughout our conference. The completed project will be available to display and
share at any of our conferences churches who wish to do so. We may even find community
spaces where the project will be shown and others can see and hear how God is still
speaking through our family, friends and even strangers. Please consider sharing your

For more information or to participate please contact the project coordinator, Phil Shea, at
philipshea@justicestar.org or 602-663-5065.This project is sponsored by a grant from the
Scottsdale Congregational Beyond Jesus Project and other individual donors.

Dorhauer Authors Foreword to Investigative Article on Religious Liberty

United Church of Christ General Minister and President the Rev. John Dorhauer has
written the foreword to a major article on religious liberty in our country that investigates
how the religious right in America - evangelical Protestant Christians and U.S. Roman
Catholic bishops - is using the term "religious freedom" to infringe on people's civil rights.
...Dorhauer writes that progressive faith communities can't allow American Christianity to
be hijacked. "We can't allow the Religious Right to twist the meaning of religious liberty to
the point that it becomes the means by which their theocratic vision is finally and fully
realized," he writes. "For decades now, they have fought to erode or redefine the very
freedoms the Constitution was written to protect. It would be unwise of us to either turn a
blind eye to their machinations or to dismiss the ongoing effectiveness of their efforts."
Read the full article here.

Bi-vocational Ministry Conference

MESA and its predecessor bodies have long been a part of Professional Church Leaders (PCL), an annual convening of ecumenical denominational leaders. PCL is pleased to announce that it will host a conference, “Bi-Vocational Ministry in the 21st Century,” April 15-16, 2016 at Epworth by the Sea on St. Simon’s Island, Georgia. This conference is designed for bi-vocational ministers and for governing body and judicatory executives, with workshops and keynotes at a beautiful location.

Registration is now open! http://events.uccpages.org/bivocational2016.html

Contact Elizabeth Dilley (dilleye@ucc.org) if you have any questions.

MID Scholarships

Each year United Church of Christ Association Committees on Ministry are invited to nominate their Members in Discernment to be considered for a “Make A Difference! Educational Support Award.” The application is now online and opened January 1, 2016.  Nominations are due by 11:59 PM on March 1, 2016. 

The application form is found at http://www.ucc.org/ministry_education_scholarships. Award amounts vary by year and fund availability, please see website for eligibility requirements. Questions can be directed to Pat Lyden in the UCC Office of Philanthropy and Stewardship (lydenp@ucc.org).

Download additional scholarship information.

Make this a Fulfilling New Year

Isolated elders living in their own homes throughout our community have wonderful stories to share, yet often yearn for visitors. Duet volunteers provide the gift of lifting spirits while also meeting very special people. Service options also include grocery shopping, offering rides to medical appointments, and more.

Call 602-274-5022 to register for a Duet volunteer orientation set for
Saturday, January 16, from 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM at
Dove of the Desert UMC
7201 W Beardsley
Phoenix, AZ 85308


Saturday, February 20, from 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM at
La Casa De Cristo Lutheran Church
6300 E Bell Rd.
Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Visit www.duetaz.org for more options.  Our members who no longer are able to drive are welcome to request free-of-charge volunteer assistance. Thank you!