The Good Shepherd UCC, Sahuarita

Border Issues Fair
The Border Issues Fair is just around the corner, Sat. Jan. 16, beginning at 8
a.m. with exhibits and registration. Presenters: Margaret Regan, journalist and author of "Detained
and Deported: Stores of Immigrant Families Under Fire"; Jenny Johnson, Washington, DC, border
policy advisor for the Southern Border Community Coalition; and Dr. Abby Wheatley, border
activist and researcher, speaking about "Migrant Mobilities: Reframing Life and Death on the
Arizona-Sonora Border." $10 donation requested. Please bring warm gloves, hat or jacket for
those in the desert.

Crossan Seminar, February 19 & 20
Don't miss the seminar with John Dominic Crossan, at the Good Shepherd, February 19 & 20. Crossan is widely known for his work with the Jesus Seminar.

The theme of the seminar is "The Power of Parable: How Parables by Jesus became Parables
about Jesus." The seminar begins Friday, Feb. 19, at 7 PM, with registration and refreshments. At
7:30 Crossan will speak about "The Types of Parable: Riddle, Example & Challenge." Saturday
there will be two morning presentations and one following lunch. Registration flyers are on the table in the Narthex or go to at the events tab.